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Dr Berry

Looking to enhance the appearance of your lips? This minimally invasive cosmetic procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the lips to add volume, definition, and symmetry. The result? Fuller, more luscious lips that look and feel natural. Lip filler treatment is quick, safe, and tailored to meet your specific goals and desires. Whether you're looking to correct asymmetry, define lip borders, or simply add volume, Dr Berry is here to help. 


The Treatment.

Before the Treatment:

Before your lip filler injection, you will have a consultation with Dr Berry to discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. She will assess your facial anatomy and determine the appropriate amount and type of filler needed to achieve the desired results.


During the Treatment:

The treatment area is cleansed with an antiseptic solution and Dr Berry will administer a local anaesthetic via injection into the mouth (dental block) for comfortable treatment. If you prefer you can have a topical anaesthetic (numbing cream) applied prior to your appointment instead.

The filler is then injected into the lips using a small needle. Dr Berry will use her expertise to ensure that the filler is distributed evenly and symmetrically for a natural-looking result.


After the Treatment:

There is little to no downtime after lip filler injections, and most patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure. However, it is important to avoid strenuous exercise and exposure to extreme temperatures for the first 24 to 48 hours to minimise swelling and bruising.

Some patients may experience mild side effects such as redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. These typically resolve within a few days to a week. If necessary, Dr Berry may recommend using ice packs or over-the-counter pain medication to manage any discomfort.



Results from lip filler injections are immediate, and patients will notice a fuller, more voluminous appearance in the treated areas. The results can last anywhere from six months to a year, depending on the type of filler used and the individual's metabolism. To maintain the results, touch-up treatments are recommended.


Overall, lip filler injections are a safe and effective way to enhance the appearance of the lips and achieve a more youthful, rejuvenated look. It is important to consult with a qualified medical professional to ensure a safe and successful treatment.


Lip filler treatment is a popular cosmetic procedure that offers several benefits for individuals seeking to enhance the appearance of their lips. Here are some of the key reasons why people choose to undergo lip filler treatment:


  1. Fuller, plumper lips: Lip filler injections can add volume and fullness to the lips, making them appear more plump and youthful.

  2. Improved lip symmetry: Lip filler can also be used to correct asymmetry in the lips, creating a more balanced and proportionate appearance.

  3. Enhanced lip definition: Lip filler can help to define the borders of the lips, creating a more distinct and attractive lip shape.

  4. Rejuvenated appearance: As we age, our lips can become thinner and less defined. Lip filler can help to restore a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance to the lips.



Q: What is lip filler treatment?

A: Lip filler treatment is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the lips to add volume, definition, and symmetry.


Q: How long does a lip filler treatment take?

A: A typical lip filler treatment takes between 15-30 minutes to perform, and patients can usually return to their normal activities immediately afterwards.


Q: Is lip filler treatment painful?

A: Most patients experience little to no pain during lip filler treatment, as the injections are performed using a small needle and a local anaesthetic (dental block) or a topical anaesthetic (numbing cream) may be applied beforehand.


Q: How long do the results of lip filler last?

A: The results of lip filler treatment can last anywhere from six months to a year, depending on the type of filler used and the individual patient.


Q: Are there any risks or side effects associated with lip filler treatment?

A: While lip filler treatment is generally safe, there is a risk of bruising, swelling, and infection. However, these risks can be minimised by choosing a qualified medical professional to perform the procedure and following post-treatment instructions carefully.


Q: Who is suitable for lip filler treatment?

A: Lip filler treatment is a good option for individuals who are unhappy with the appearance of their lips and desire a more full, plump, and defined look. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies, and a consultation with Dr Berry is required to determine suitability.

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